Future of Work

Agile & Business Experiments
Agile and Business experiments leads to learning and growth. In fact Agile helps make experiments as an integral part of work.
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IDeas for getting better at your craft
Ideas For Getting Better At Your Craft
Ideas for getting better at our craft is available to all of us no matter what work we do. Lets explore how to leverage these ideas better
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Hybrid Work
Hybrid Work Is The New Perk Companies Are Offering
Is Hybrid work becoming a perk for employees? What are the future of work trends emerging for companies? All the research and more in this edition of OWL Sightings on Hybrid Work
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Whats in your frame
What’s in your frame?
"A year ago, a very senior business leader let me in on his secret way of working. He showed me a small pocketbook."
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Advice After A Promotion – Five points to remember
Recollecting advice that was received that helped heaps. Advice that gave a very good perspective to the work ahead.
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SHRM TECH APAC Conference 2019
SHRM TECH APAC Conference 2019
Conferences are a confluence of ideas, people and products. Each of those, are triggers for a greater search. For they always spark off imagination and start off new conversations. For that reason, it is important to follow the right conference....
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Ernest Hemingway quote : How did you go bankrupt ?Gradually and then suddenly
Gradually and then suddenly.
Last week, I bumped into someone who I hadn't met in a long while. It was he who walked up to me and said hello. Truth be told, I had struggled to place him. He was a pale version of...
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How do you answer the question “who are you?”
Tell me quick, what do you say when someone asks you who you are? Do you struggle or do you get to the point in one seamless flow? To tell you the truth, I struggle. Do I talk about my...
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Great Culture
Do you regard culture as a perk?
We are a fortnight into December.  Many people I know are kind of 'slowing things down' and looking forward to take a break. To wind down the year well is important. To reflect on the year gone by, gives power...
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MeToo movements how will we cope
#MeToo Futures
The rate at which some skeletons have been tumbling out of the #MeToo cupboards have caused me to wonder how strong the cupboards have been. The intensity of the outpouring, a friend told me, is only a fraction of what...
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