Three Stories That Led To The Revival Of AI
It’s easy to see why smartphones are an integral part of our lives today. High-speed internet, falling hardware costs, and solving real-world problems have made smartphones omnipresent. These factors are obvious now, but they were not so clear 15 years...
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AI & Its Own Change Journey
It is hard not to notice that AI is a hot topic everywhere - from workplaces and dinner conversations to podcasts & news feeds. While its practical applications in our daily roles may still be limited, the potential is enormous....
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Managing Boredom In Learning & Change
Boredom is sneaky. Leaders and teams do not realise that boredom is causing many of their behaviours and that makes it important to manage
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What Does Purpose Do?
What does purpose do? Is the interest in organisational purpose justified? Lets explore research to answer this question
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Mid Life Renewal
Are you rethinking your choices in life and career? Does it feel like a dull, anxious, routine which does'nt energise you? Is it leading to less than your best performance? Join us as we explore this theme in this series...
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Working with Values Interviews Sketchnoted
Working with values sketchnote edition by Kosha! Watch more here
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Digital Debt And Hybrid Work
What is digital debt? learn more on the same.
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What Is Purpose?
What is purpose? Is it what we do, or why we do it? Or is it about how we do it? Turns out all of these are true about how Purpose is defined.
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Working With Values: In Conversation With Richard Barrett
Richard Barrett, regarded as one of the foremost thinkers on values in the world. He is the Founder of the Barret Values Centre, the Barrett Academy for Advancement of Human Values and the Human Awareness Initiative. He is the author...
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AI & Hybrid Work Are Friends!
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Did you know AI and Hybrid work are friends? Explore how Hybrid work helped AI get better and how AI is now getting ready to make Hybrid Work more effective
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