Future of Work

Three Stories That Led To The Revival Of AI
It’s easy to see why smartphones are an integral part of our lives today. High-speed internet, falling hardware costs, and solving real-world problems have made smartphones omnipresent. These factors are obvious now, but they were not so clear 15 years...
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Experiments & Psychological Safety
Experiments and psychological safety are two levers to enhance creativity in teams and create better business and employee outcomes. Explore how these can be implemented here...
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AI & Hybrid Work Are Friends!
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Did you know AI and Hybrid work are friends? Explore how Hybrid work helped AI get better and how AI is now getting ready to make Hybrid Work more effective
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Levers Of Performance In Hybrid Work
In the last post, we discovered that the current way we work has been evolving since the 1800s. Since the industrial revolution. 200 years later we are at an important fork in the road, Bill Gates calls this the AI...
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4 Day Work-Week & The Story Of Change
How can we make sense of the latest research on the 4-Day Workweek? Lets retrace the history of the workweek and look at the latest trends and ideas from this study. There is something here for all of us even...
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Triple Peak in Hybrid Work
Triple Peak In Hybrid Work
What is triple peak in Hybrid work? How do you manage if you are triple peaking or one of your team members are? Dive in to explore in this edition
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Hybrid Work & Culture
Is Hybrid work diluting organisational culture? Or is it offering you an opportunity to make work itself the container of your culture? Explore ways to make 'work' central to the culture in hybrid work.
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Re-Designing Work For Hybrid
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Re-designing work for hybrid is a critical element for ensuring its success. Business leaders will need to be intentional about it. A framework to consider
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Agile & Uncertainty
Uncertainty brings growth. Agile helps us find the mindset, skills and tools to deal with uncertainty through experimentation.
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Hybrid Work Choices
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What is hybrid work? How should teams make choices on hybrid ways of working for themselves
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