The Agile Manifesto was created in response to the dissatisfaction to the software development world but today finds applicability across industries and personal lives
We offer you three values or anchors to consider when you work on analytics projects. Do consider these even when you guide individuals in your teams in asking better questions of data, thereby building a data driven culture.
Only 3% of the leaders say they saw lasting change in their firm due to Digital Transformation. In 2018 organisations invested a trillion dollars on digital transformation. The spend is expected to be 1.2 trillion dollars in 2019. Why would...
Humans have long been a curious and exploratory species. New knowledge has enabled people to create and improve on existing things. Many scientific endeavours have been made possible by incrementally improving on an invention. Leveraging each emerging know how to...
"The Blockchain world will be boring in 2019". This will be good for the industry and allow it to make quiet progress, was the prediction. It hasn't been so quiet after all. Here is a curation of the latest news...
Conferences are a confluence of ideas, people and products. Each of those, are triggers for a greater search. For they always spark off imagination and start off new conversations. For that reason, it is important to follow the right conference....
The healthcare sector is embracing digital. The possibilities of technology alleviating many of the challenges of the sector is too obvious and tempting to look away from. Yet in the enthusiasm to change, the healthcare sector is making many of...