Agile Transformation

Agile, Experiments & Deeper Levels Of Learning
How can experiments create safe spaces to explore our beliefs and thereby create deeper learning
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The First Org Chart & Influence
And so came the first organisation chart of the modern era. David McCalum ensured that people down the chain had far more authority in scheduling and running daily operations, because they were closest to the ground
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Pervasive Learning And Agile
If the only learning which leads to behavioural change is Self discovered and Self-appropriated learning, how can you use this concept in the workplace? Explore with us in this edition of Agile OWL.
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Agile And Social Learning
Learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context. Read how Agile combines the research from Social Learning theory into practical application for business teams across the globe.
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Agile Helps Teams Say No And Focus Better
When everything is important nothing is important. Leaders at Vistaprint realised they had given their teams 80+ priority areas. Find out how they used Agile to help teams say No and meet key deliverables sustainably.
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Agile OWL edition 36
Limiting Open Loops With Agile
Much of the stress that people feel does not come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they start. Find out how leaders at Vistaprint discovered & reduced open loops for teams.
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Agile Builds Trust
The not so obvious ingredient Agile creates in teams? Trust. Read more to find out how and why it is important.
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Accelerating Change With Small Wins
Teams have a tendency to get overwhelmed when so many changes. Here is a story of how the Technology team in PayPal leveraged the power of small wins to accelerate change.
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Shared Language Accelerates Change
Companies ask us how can they get everyone to buy into the change effort? Creating a shared language is an important step we say. Here is a story which demonstrates this well
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Law and Agile
Can Law be Agile? We carry stories from two legal teams from Lonely Planet and Financial Times this edition and how they evolved new Agile ways of working.
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