
Mid Life Renewal
Are you rethinking your choices in life and career? Does it feel like a dull, anxious, routine which does'nt energise you? Is it leading to less than your best performance? Join us as we explore this theme in this series...
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Levers Of Performance In Hybrid Work
In the last post, we discovered that the current way we work has been evolving since the 1800s. Since the industrial revolution. 200 years later we are at an important fork in the road, Bill Gates calls this the AI...
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Hybrid Work & Culture
Is Hybrid work diluting organisational culture? Or is it offering you an opportunity to make work itself the container of your culture? Explore ways to make 'work' central to the culture in hybrid work.
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Give It Some Time
"The successful people I work with have a few habits that I continuously learn from. They are deliberate with thinking about options and choices for action."
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Headed To a Burnout
Headed For A Burnout
What can leaders do if they feel teams are headed for a burnout? What questions can they ask themselves?.
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Arrivals and Departures
I am accustomed to airports, airline food and whizzing past arrivals and departures.  My work makes it that way. The other day, I was tasked with receiving family arriving from abroad. In the middle of the night,  it dawned on me...
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Staying human in organizations requires reflection
Staying Human
I am emerging from Diwali's ghee laden sugar cesspools. Pardon me if I am a trifle slow for a few days. Actually, do me a favour and blame it on the ghee.  Its only human you see. The damn sweets were...
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