The OWL Despatch

OWL despatch edition 60
Dealing With A Rejection
Research suggests that the same parts of the brain that get activated with physical pain, get activated with rejection. It is a natural reaction and is to be expected! The time, place, person, significance and other contextual elements bring alive...
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Life On The Screen. Four Ideas To Live it Tall
Screens have become ubiquitous and everyone has access to it. Many of us bring to our screens our habits and ways of doing things from a different era. The opportunity to reimagine how we work and think is now and...
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Crafting new beginnings
Crafting New Beginnings
We are accosted by the scale of loss and the depth of change. Lurking somewhere there, are the shadows of bad habits that the human race has picked up over time.
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I Am Not Ok
It struck me that here was the other battle that she was fighting. Over and beyond the ones that were obvious. A private one at that. Perhaps even private to herself. It was about coming to terms with the fact...
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clear about procrastination
To Be Clear About Procrastination
Akrasia, I read, was a greek word developed to describe "a state of acting against better judgement"
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The Questions We Ask
A casual conversation in an airport washroom results in musings over the questions we ask!
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Stillness on a holiday
Notes From The Hills
Auto-renewal is available on insurance policies. Deliberate renewal is critical to living. May I invite you to consider?
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