
Triple Peak in Hybrid Work
Triple Peak In Hybrid Work
What is triple peak in Hybrid work? How do you manage if you are triple peaking or one of your team members are? Dive in to explore in this edition
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Hybrid Work & Culture
Is Hybrid work diluting organisational culture? Or is it offering you an opportunity to make work itself the container of your culture? Explore ways to make 'work' central to the culture in hybrid work.
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Assumptions Stop Us From Seeing
How do assumptions impact us? They prevent us from seeing things as they are. Explore this facet through a story, research and quote!
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Agile Experiments & Assumptions
How can we learn to identify and work with assumptions? This post offers a few clues in spotting assumptions hidden in plain sight. The secret it turns out is to really focus on conversations.
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Forget Your Goals
The modern day accords goals an outsized degree of importance and diminishes the process of getting to the goals.
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The Spirit Of Day 1
I notice that I keep coming back to the spirit of Day One whenever I am at a crossroad!
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IDeas for getting better at your craft
Ideas For Getting Better At Your Craft
Ideas for getting better at our craft is available to all of us no matter what work we do. Lets explore how to leverage these ideas better
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The First Org Chart & Influence
And so came the first organisation chart of the modern era. David McCalum ensured that people down the chain had far more authority in scheduling and running daily operations, because they were closest to the ground
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Pervasive Learning And Agile
If the only learning which leads to behavioural change is Self discovered and Self-appropriated learning, how can you use this concept in the workplace? Explore with us in this edition of Agile OWL.
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Agile And Team Goals
What happens when a team does not know 'what' it needs to do and 'by when'? This edition explores how team goals help Agile teams collaborate
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