
4 Day Work-Week & The Story Of Change
How can we make sense of the latest research on the 4-Day Workweek? Lets retrace the history of the workweek and look at the latest trends and ideas from this study. There is something here for all of us even...
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Assumptions And The Ladder Of Inference
Have you debated the final conclusions with friends and team members and wondered why you can't seem to agree or even see their point of view. Chances are you scrambled up the ladder of inference. Find out what steps you...
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Triple Peak in Hybrid Work
Triple Peak In Hybrid Work
What is triple peak in Hybrid work? How do you manage if you are triple peaking or one of your team members are? Dive in to explore in this edition
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5 Tools To Spot Assumptions
Spotting assumptions is an important skill for making better decisions. This post shares a non exhaustive list of tools and tips to spot assumptions. Take a quiz, explore a canvas, use some questions and more to spot assumptions at work.
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Hybrid Work & Culture
Is Hybrid work diluting organisational culture? Or is it offering you an opportunity to make work itself the container of your culture? Explore ways to make 'work' central to the culture in hybrid work.
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Assumptions Stop Us From Seeing
How do assumptions impact us? They prevent us from seeing things as they are. Explore this facet through a story, research and quote!
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Agile Experiments & Assumptions
How can we learn to identify and work with assumptions? This post offers a few clues in spotting assumptions hidden in plain sight. The secret it turns out is to really focus on conversations.
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Agile, Experiments & Deeper Levels Of Learning
How can experiments create safe spaces to explore our beliefs and thereby create deeper learning
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Re-Designing Work For Hybrid
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Re-designing work for hybrid is a critical element for ensuring its success. Business leaders will need to be intentional about it. A framework to consider
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Agile & Uncertainty
Uncertainty brings growth. Agile helps us find the mindset, skills and tools to deal with uncertainty through experimentation.
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