Are you rethinking your choices in life and career? Does it feel like a dull, anxious, routine which does'nt energise you? Is it leading to less than your best performance? Join us as we explore this theme in this series...
Experiments and psychological safety are two levers to enhance creativity in teams and create better business and employee outcomes. Explore how these can be implemented here...
Richard Barrett, regarded as one of the foremost thinkers on values in the world. He is the Founder of the Barret Values Centre, the Barrett Academy for Advancement of Human Values and the Human Awareness Initiative. He is the author...
If i had to start a shoe store, even one online, i would first have at least a few pairs of shoes in my stock. Wouldn’t you? The world's largest online store for shoes started without a single stock or...
Have you debated the final conclusions with friends and team members and wondered why you can't seem to agree or even see their point of view. Chances are you scrambled up the ladder of inference. Find out what steps you...