Richard Barrett, regarded as one of the foremost thinkers on values in the world. He is the Founder of the Barret Values Centre, the Barrett Academy for Advancement of Human Values and the Human Awareness Initiative. He is the author...
Did you know AI and Hybrid work are friends? Explore how Hybrid work helped AI get better and how AI is now getting ready to make Hybrid Work more effective
Do you know what assumptions your teams are making about your actions? Can you spot how their assumptions are impacting their actions? Explore this key facet of organisational culture
For a long time now, humankind has gotten away with living mechanistic lives. When machines step up and promise to do that stuff with ease, the need to do some deep search and work on the ‘humaneness’ that rests inside...
If i had to start a shoe store, even one online, i would first have at least a few pairs of shoes in my stock. Wouldn’t you? The world's largest online store for shoes started without a single stock or...