Image credits Pixabay
I heard of this saying some nine times, at last count, in the past week. When it crept on to my screen as well, I thought of this as a signal for me to dwell deeper and wrap my mind around it. It is a Chinese verse roughly translated to “You cant see the mountain from the mountain”.
The clarity that distance provides is phenomenal. The need for physical distance from a problem can be solved by travel. The challenge of emotional distance needed for tough decisions is another challenge altogether.

The first piece that I thought I would share is one which lays the ground for becoming a’multiplier‘. A multiplier who attracts talent and lays out the steps for doing that.
Speaking of multiplication and growth, have you often faced the challenges of scaling up? The company that managed to grow from 20 to 200 people in two years and is now wondering why things seem to be changing. I encounter them often. A few of them are pragmatic and willing to go through pain in changing themselves. How does one grow new muscle while keeping the soul intact? Bob Sutton’s work should give you pointers.
The Copenhagen Conundrum has drawn some fair degree of eyeballs and conversation air time over the last week. The Tech Festival in Copenhagen drew in 16000 people from around the world. As powerful as what it drew in, the output of 150 principles for a new direction in technology was impressive too. To say the least. Download the free book and do ponder over what emerges.
Finally there are two pieces. One on a new feature that I want to put out with some help, an aggregation of sightings on Blockchain around the world. And another, a post titled “The Power of Facilitation” with some reflections and pictures from the conference at Osaka. I have some interesting and exciting news that I reserve for the next post. Some projects require cooking time… 🙂
Thank you for staying connected, sending in words of encouragement, advice, questions and spreading the word. I can do with more of all of them!