New ways of work are emerging all around us. Companies are emerging from remote work and finding they have to adopt HYBRID ways of working. Not always knowing how and what it will take to make it work. Our work involves working with clients and leaders having similar dilemmas. To help navigate this phase, every week we will track the latest news, research , resources and point of views on the changing nature of work and workplace.

Points of view on hybrid working
If the Microsoft research pointed to fatigue behind the productivity raise, Gartner carries a point of view on how to manage remote work fatigue. They suggest three things.
Help employees manage: 1) Digital distractions, (2) Virtual overload and (3) Difficulty disconnecting.
The second point of view this week is on how to approach hiring in hybrid working times by Wall Street Journal. The recruitment world has changed forever. Are you ready?
Research on hybrid ways of working
Microsoft released an exhaustive study which we featured last week. Here is the research behind their policies. It has a few damning insights. Read more here
Flexible is here to stay.
Leaders are out of touch with employees and need a wake up call.
Productivity masks an exhausted workforce.
Shrinking networks are endangering innovation
Gen Z is at risk and needs to be re-energized.
Talent is everywhere in a hybrid world.
-Microsoft 2021 Work Trend Index
The second survey published recently is by Andreessen Horowitz. They surveyed 226 CEO’s in their portfolio for views on hybrid work. They found that many versions of hybrid work were emerging in their firms. Read more here

Resources for new ways of working
This week we share a resource kit from Dropbox on how to embrace Hybrid work. Dropbox has shared playbooks on: (1) how to manage your mindset (2) how to manage your time (3) how to stay well (4) how to support your team and (5) how to communicate effectively. Very useful kit! Access it here.
News on hybrid work from around the world
1. Amazon embraces hybrid work, in their announcement last week. Employees spend 3 days in office and two days from home. With an option to work four full weeks remote for some roles. Read more here
2.Facebook expands eligibility for remote working for its entire organisation and fully embraces hybrid work. Read more here.
3. Forget tech companies, the US Federal government announced that it would embrace hybrid work. It also sent a memo detailing how employees would be evaluated in hybrid work settings! Read more here.
4.Amex goes hybrid with most workers being able to work from home on Monday and Friday. The CEO says they will learn and adapt to hybrid work. More details here.
5. Law firms join the hybrid work scene , with Goodwin Procter and White & Case announcing hybrid work plans. Reed another law firm announced it earlier.
That is it for this edition of the OWL Sightings. Every week under the OWL Umbrella, we publish OWL Sightings on Hybrid work. Watch this space to access resources, news and research on the new ways of working.