Its that time of the year. That’s the most dependable cliche that one can use during this time of the year and get away with murder! From guilt-free dunking of the 39th helping of the plum cake to indulging my little miss in tall tales of real unicorns! Love is in the air.
All said and done, this indeed is an opportune time to reflect on the year as it races away before you bring in a new calendar and turn a new leaf. Every year, I try and slow down during the last week and take deep breaths. As though that will help in savouring the last gasps of the passing year better. But the deep breathing helps me think about all what the year has held for me. The wins. The losses. The hits. The misses. Often what pains me most are the shots that I never took that were there for the taking! That story for another time.

This year, the story of this newsletter (The OWL) brings a broad smile on me. It began with a tentative wisp of a wish to share and stay connected. That it has stayed on, grown with awesome levels of engagement is reason enough for that smile. As though that wasn’t enough, when it gets quoted somewhere or used by someone, it is even more delectable.
So, this edition brings together the Top 10 pieces from 2018. Pieces that generated conversation and further sharing. I invite you to dive into them again and mull over them. Use it to mull over the year has gone by. Share them forward. Whatever works with you. Its that time of the year, you see!
Next week, we begin with the new year edition. And then, hopefully, every fortnight from there.
Celebrate the last week. Take deep breaths. It works. 🙂
- Vectors for Digital Transformation
- Deep Work eats shallow organization
- 8 movements to watch
- How fearless organisations succeed
- How does google help its employees learn
- Metrics provides clues not answers
- The psychological importance of wasting time
- Your organization is a network of conversations
- The Copenhagen Conundrum
- Preparing our kids for the future
Image credits Pixabay