It was intrigue that got me to read the card that was packed in along with the saree my mother had bought. It told a story of the weaver who had woven it. My own belief in the power of stories went a notch up as I imagined the weaver sitting and weaving the saree for three days!

We must find every opportunity to sit down and talk to each other. Our world is getting over engineered to facilitate and measure transaction. Simple, natural and human qualities of sitting down and hearing each other have fallen by the wayside. Which is exactly what me and my good friend Stephen Berkeley have been at : Building Bridges Breaking Walls, One story at a time. This time in the form of a one day workshop that will be run in Osaka in September. I hope you will take the time to send us some love, spread the word and follow the hashtag #story2story with your own thoughts. We need it!

Julian Stodd is someone whose works I have been following for years. His illustrations are simple and thoughts quiet unlike the cookie cutter prescriptions that the world is agog with. He begins this post with “our greatest Organisations, structures of power and control, may be trapped in an outdated mindset, caught in redundant webs. Through our own failure of foresight, I believe that we sow the foundations of our failure.” Spend some time with that post. Its good.
Speaking of foresight, have you pondered over simple things that are evolving. Like human beings and the need for ‘signing off’ by hand? As more and more technology envelops our lives, our thumb impressions and retinas take on the roles that keys had.How long do you think the ‘signature’ will last?
This edition also carries an attempt to further understanding on Blockchain, as always. Spanning the twin ends of ‘transparency and privacy‘. To further understanding around Blockchain is some journey in itself. You will see more of it here. Plus, oh, how can I forget, this edition features a story of an alternative that is emerging to Google! Well!
That’s that for this edition. As the big man, mad man, genius etc etc Steve Jobs said, ‘Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish’.
Image credits Pixabay