My dad died of Parkinson’s disease. It is a cruel disease where all your mental faculties are alive but you can’t move a single muscle. Hands, legs, hips, tongue, eyes..! There were spasms of time, when medicines would unfreeze his muscles for a brief while. The learned man that he was, used one such momentary unfreezing to say, “I am imprisoned in my own body”. That statement stays with me.
Many days then, my quest would be to precisely understand his emotion at a point in time. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful”, I would tell myself, “if something would magically tell me what’s going on”.
People of the present-day world have a different way of dealing with Parkinson’s disease. Whilst it continues to be as cruel a disease, advancements in technology help us decipher emotions in people.As much as people continue to voice their discomfort over unbridled advancements into hitherto unknown spaces, people like me wish it would provide succour to people and their lives. Featured in this weeks edition is a piece on AI and emotion. It left a deft silence within me when I finished it. I hope it propels you to think and explore further as well.

Other additions for this edition, include a fantastic piece from MIT Sloan about organisations being a web of conversations. I couldn’t help agree more. That organisations are going bereft of conversation is a point to ponder, revival with conversations puts life right back. We need have more dialogue about conversations.
My own understanding of Blockchain is growing and this week there is Cryptography.The need to keep it simple is a key agenda in trying to shape these blogposts.
Don’t’ miss “Find your passion is bad advice” piece. I have always found that advice it to be short on action and this article hit bulls eye. Finally, there is the story of Drop Box and its origins. Imagine a founder on his way to form a $12 billion firm, being asked to find a co-founder in 2 weeks! Some people hustle enough to be at the right time and place!
That’s that for this week. Thanks for all the support. Here’s wishing the very best for the next fortnight. Stay safe.
Image Credits Pixabay