The 15th edition of OWL focusses on behavioural economics
15 and counting
Do you recall the conversation we had when I first talked to you about the...
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How does the Proof of Stake method work in Blockchain
Proof of Stake and Blockchain
One of the biggest issues facing mass adoption of Blockchain across the world? It is...
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MeToo movements how will we cope
#MeToo Futures
The rate at which some skeletons have been tumbling out of the #MeToo cupboards have...
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How do a Block and chain work in Blockchain
Block and Chain
Headlines about Blockchain ushering in a revolution and becoming the internet of value is quite...
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Mahatma Gandhi Facebook and AI
Questions from my daughter
It was daughter-daddy day out yesterday. I had optimistic notions of being able to send...
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Blockchain and Electricity
Visa, the worlds leading payment processing firm, processes 1700 transactions in a second. They do...
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Caught in the midst of change
Image credits Pixabay I heard of this saying some nine times, at last count, in...
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Blockchain news in Law and Education
Blockchain News: Education & Law
Here is a roundup of interesting stories on Blockchain that got discussed, debated or worked...
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Hello from the midst of the typhoon
Its the strongest storm in 25 years. Typhoon Jebi has been quite something to Japan...
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Humanity rising to the kerala floods in 2018
Love Story
I write this just after getting off the phone speaking to a dear friend. He is...
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