Why are you happy?
Many years ago, my manager, a very wise man, asked me a question: "Why are you...
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How do you answer the question “who are you?”
Tell me quick, what do you say when someone asks you who you are? Do...
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Focus and determination is the key quality of champions
A peek into habits of champions and cool jobs of 2029. Are you ready for it?
There are champions. And then there is the champion of champions. Micheal Phelps! The man...
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Patience Play
It is 15 days since the new year. I am tempted to ask you how...
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To the Future 2019
To the future in 2019
So, a brand new year is upon us. Let's get on with it. That's the...
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Love is in the Air
Its that time of the year. That's the most dependable cliche that one can use...
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Great Culture
Do you regard culture as a perk?
We are a fortnight into December.  Many people I know are kind of 'slowing things...
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How to help teams stay fearless and focussed
Does fear impact your organization?
Trust you are having an awesome week.  I get reminded of the relentless march of...
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Staying human in organizations requires reflection
Staying Human
I am emerging from Diwali's ghee laden sugar cesspools. Pardon me if I am a...
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The Blockchain Triumvirate
The 2009 financial crisis shook the world in more ways than one. Even with a...
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