Agile & Uncertainty
Uncertainty brings growth. Agile helps us find the mindset, skills and tools to deal with...
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Hybrid Work Choices
What is hybrid work? How should teams make choices on hybrid ways of working for...
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Agile & Business Experiments
Agile and Business experiments leads to learning and growth. In fact Agile helps make experiments...
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Roots And Wings
I stole a walk in Nashik a couple of weeks ago in the midst of...
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OWL Despatch Edition 112
Are You Growing?
The point is it is easy to get fooled by external rewards. Money and position...
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Tuning Your Bucket List
Writing down a bucket list helps your know what you really want. It reminds you...
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The Best Method For Learning
The best learning method is teaching. Because teaching destroys illusions of knowledge
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Forget Your Goals
The modern day accords goals an outsized degree of importance and diminishes the process of...
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The Spirit Of Day 1
I notice that I keep coming back to the spirit of Day One whenever I...
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IDeas for getting better at your craft
Ideas For Getting Better At Your Craft
Ideas for getting better at our craft is available to all of us no matter...
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