Stillness on a holiday
Notes From The Hills
Auto-renewal is available on insurance policies. Deliberate renewal is critical to living. May I invite...
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Organisations are adopting new ways of working with Blockchain
Organisations adopt new ways of working with Blockchain
Organisations are adopting new ways of working with Blockchain. They are focusing the business problem...
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Profiles in everyday courage
Profiles In Everyday Courage. How Courageous Are You?
The courage that meets us in everyday moments, wrapped in the mundane and set amongst...
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Mary Meeker presenting the Internet Trends report
A Meta On Mary Meeker’s Report On Internet Trends 2019
Meta post about the analysis from various industries on the implications and insights from the...
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Factors influencing Blockchain adoption in the Luxury fashion industry
Culture not Technology drives Blockchain adoption
Factors influencing Blockchain adoption in the Luxury fashion industry. It is always about the culture...
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Advice After A Promotion – Five points to remember
Recollecting advice that was received that helped heaps. Advice that gave a very good perspective...
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Digital Transformation is about people
The Need To Get Digital Transformation Right
Only 3% of the leaders say they saw lasting change in their firm due to...
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EU frames guidelines on ethics in AI
Ethics and AI
Humans have long been a curious and exploratory species. New knowledge has enabled people to...
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Means to build a thriving career
“How can I have a thriving career?”
A young man who has just passed out of campus asked me a simple question:...
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Supply chain benefits from Blockchain. While the world wonders who Satoshi is.
"The Blockchain world will be boring in 2019". This will be good for the industry...
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