Three Stories That Led To The Revival Of AI
It’s easy to see why smartphones are an integral part of our lives today. High-speed...
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AI & Its Own Change Journey
It is hard not to notice that AI is a hot topic everywhere - from...
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Managing Boredom In Learning & Change
Boredom is sneaky. Leaders and teams do not realise that boredom is causing many of...
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Fac Week 3
Why I Love Facilitation – Part 3
This is part 3 of the series on why i love facilitation. We hope you...
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Why Am I A Facilitator? Part 2
Why do you love facilitation? Find out what makes facilitators tick and keep coming back...
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Why Am I A Facilitator?
We want to make a case for the power of facilitation, and a case for...
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What purpose is not
What Purpose Is Not!
How is purpose different from vision and mission statements. Dive in to explore more
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What Does Purpose Do?
What does purpose do? Is the interest in organisational purpose justified? Lets explore research to...
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Mid Life Renewal
Are you rethinking your choices in life and career? Does it feel like a dull,...
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Working with Values Interviews Sketchnoted
Working with values sketchnote edition by Kosha! Watch more here
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