Experiments and psychological safety are two levers to enhance creativity in teams and create better business and employee outcomes. Explore how these can be implemented here...
Do you know what assumptions your teams are making about your actions? Can you spot how their assumptions are impacting their actions? Explore this key facet of organisational culture
How can we learn to identify and work with assumptions? This post offers a few clues in spotting assumptions hidden in plain sight. The secret it turns out is to really focus on conversations.
Can long running compliance heavy HR processes be approached as products? Contrary to popular belief they can be. Explore with a real live example here
Leaders wish to empower their teams but also fear that something might go wrong. Agile helps leaders with methods, principles and frameworks to empower the team through experiments. Read Vistaprint's story here to see it in action
Staying in perpetual beta has a certain swag to it. It denotes your ability to listen and iterate. Read the stories of Kayne West and Gmail in perpetual beta