We help organisations, communities and individuals change and adapt to a new world. We do this by keeping the human at the centre of it all. Call it, human centred change.
We are

We are a Human Centric Change firm, focused on creating change that sticks. If you are reimagining the way you work, we help rethink, retool and reskill for relevance.
We are a group of qualified and experienced professionals who bring years of experience and hard knocks to the table. We borrow from our knowledge, experience and passion for organisational development, Agile methodologies, Design Thinking, Executive Coaching, Appreciative Inquiry, Process Facilitation and the like.
This is how we work!
Our work in conversational, iterative and simple. We work hard at the back end to keep the front end free-flowing.
It often is a simple conversation. Sometimes an intense mental workout. At other times it is an exploration of a problem area in a workshop mode. Large groups of three hundred people or a small group of two. Or just working with the CEO.

This is what we believe in
Our words and work are better understood when you know what our beliefs are. We believe in ‘deep simplicity’ and we keep our work jargon free. The challenge we pose to ourselves is how simple and ‘in the flow of work’ the design of our work is, to all stakeholders.

We are lifelong learners. And we think the world is learning its way as the world evolves. We update our subscribers with our thoughts and curation of interesting stuff from the world of work, once a fortnight. No spam. No advertising. Promise.