Remote Working And Agile
Agile teams have to be face-to-face to work well. The Agile Manifesto lays this down...
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Do You Hold A Grudge?
Grudges happen when we feel wronged and when 'unfair' is inflicted on us. We seek...
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Agile In Museums
Can Agile can be used only in software industries? Here is an example of Agile...
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Accidents Happen
From X-Ray to Coco Cola. Viagra to match sticks. Teflon to champagne. They all happened...
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Dare Mighty Things
What might each one of us accomplish if we kept the spark in us alive...
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More Is Possible With Agile
Can a team be completely self-organised? Can they take care of their own compensation? Onboarding?...
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In The Spotlight
I have often wondered if I am a faux pas machine with the world as...
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Curiosity And Being Agile
Curiosity is an integral part of being Agile. Can organization's weave it into the ways...
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Let Curiosity Be Your Compass
Curiosity is a human trait that has brought progress to human kind through the centuries....
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Beyond The Yes
If you thought managing conflict is necessary, managing agreement is more than merely necessary!
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