I write this sitting in a dusty village in the deep south. With the sleepy quiet vibe of the village for company and the full moon shining without a strain and the internet connectivity working like a charm. I am both plugged in and signed out.
The past fortnight has seen me walk with a suitcase in tow for most part. Its April and its a season to start afresh, for several organisations. Starting afresh with gusto brings momentum to work. Setting course, renewing long term goals, adjusting sails and the like. Every time I do this, I am always enthused by how much people are stretching and striving for more. In the era of technology, the humanness in this stretch provides life to work.

Speaking of which, I must mention of SHRM Tech 18. It is a good conference to go to, where all things Tech and HR come together. The conversations need to continue, as I wrote later. We need to talk a lot more and we need to explore the new realities that tech enables whilst not forgetting the humanness in us.
The first edition of OWL (this newsletter) got quite a bit of response. Truth be told, that it was opened and responded to, chuffed me no end. For the second edition, there is an eclectic mix that caught the eye and gets presented here. There is my good friend Harold Jarche up on the list, writing about learning. The artistry of learning is in the playing and Harold says it very well. Esko Lipi has been another gentleman whose work I follow and a line from the piece I feature should point you to whats coming in his post ; “This is why learning needs to change: it is not first going through education and then finding corresponding work, but working first and then finding supporting, corresponding learning”
Steve Boyd, who is another favourite puts words together that state reality in the most realistic ways. Sample this : ‘The company wants loyal employees, but treats them as expendable in a downturn. Employees say they are
committed to the company’s five year plan, but in secret disbelieve, and plan to take other work as soon as something better comes along. In such a climate, individuals are unlikely to take on the cultural trappings of an
organisation when they have little expectation of long-term employment, and companies have small incentives to grow their staff, or invest in their futures “; Don’t miss that post.
All of that and more in the newsletter this time. From Blockchain to Infographics and Digital Transformation. Its been one eventful fortnight. You know the trouble with travel is that I end up reading in and soaking a lot that it makes deciding what to leave out, rather tough!
I seek solace in the fact that OWL is young and that you will reserve some good vibes for me. Please do weigh in. Just a text suggesting what else I should do is good. Or maybe, a ‘missed call’ as is the common practice these
days? I will call you right back.
Here’s to the next 15 days!
Image Credit Pixabay